2018/2019 OSRC Scholarship Recipients
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Auset Alexander

Auset dedicated her funds toward conducting research for her master’s thesis on the combined effects of victim impact statements and photographic evidence on juror memory distortion and sentencing decisions in capital cases.
Diane Brunett

Diane’s research concentrated on understanding Afro-Latinx economic conditions within the United States. She studied the statistics of employment, education level and gender of the Afro-Latinx demographic to explain the current inequality and recognize the role Afro-Latinx have in the U.S. economy.


Byron Sandoval
Dr. Maria Rossi, mentor
Byron participated in a conference in the spring of 2018 called “Our Investigations and Writings” at Hunter College where he presented his first short story. He will studied how each writer develops their individual style and analyze what their writing says about the authors’ collection as a whole.

Ella Merriwether

Ella is interested in the misinformation effect, memory blindness, false memories, and in the effects of cognitive load. Her research examines how people make judgments about ambiguous police body-cam footage.


Jasmine Gayles

The objective of this research is to qualitatively and quantitatively analyze the presence and trends of anxiolytic and antidepressant drugs commonly prescribed in New York State in wastewater.

Marien Morales

Marien’s research focuses on female incarceration globally. She is currently studying the principle drivers leading to incarceration, as well as the effects it has on them while in prison and once released.

Sharon Bayantemur
Sharon’s research focuses on how conversations between co-witnesses may cause them to forget key information surrounding the crime. This research will provide researchers, practitioners, and law enforcement officers with a better understanding of how social influences may shape the way eyewitnesses recollect a crime.
Segul Olaniyi
Dr. Robin Kempf, mentor
Segun’s research examines new provisions adopted by New York State’s attempts to control Medicaid fraud and labor marketing committed by home health agencies. Segun is hoping to explore the implications of these new policy approaches and how it affects licensed home care agencies and Consumer Direct Personal Assistance.

Sol Astudillo

Sol’s interest on the topic of rape, her Hispanic heritage, and appreciation of literature and cinematography helped her formulate her research question. She plans on studying the ethical and aesthetic implications that are raised in the depictions of rape of women in Latin American cinematography and literature.


Vanessa Ayala
Vanessa’s research focuses on justice in the United States. She investigated how the murders of U.S. missionaries in El Salvador in 1980 impacted Americans, specifically New Yorkers, and how it impacted their search for justice. . Through this she hopes to gain a greater understanding of the influence of culture, history, and politics.
Melanie Chiluisa

Dr. Maria Rossi, mentor
Melanie dedicated her research with the Latin American Community involved in auto-translation or better known as selftranslation.She looked into the field and analyzed the hardships that these authors face when developing a literature piece.

Hana Chae

Her research interest is eyewitness testimony, especially how different types of eyewitness testimony affect jury decision making. She is also interested in dynamics of domestic violence and witness testimony in child sexual abuse cases


Priya Reji

Her research focuses on the attentional and emotional deficits associated with psychopathy.The study will help determine if participants scoring high on affective empathy have a reduced ability to ignore empathyinducing distractors, and add to the understanding of the emotional and attentional deficits that are associated with psychopathy.
Katty Vinas

Katty’s research focuses on the experiences of undocumented students at John Jay College. She hoped to measure the impact John Jay’s services on these undocumented students has as well as identify the remaining needs for said population

Victoria Fix

Dr. Heath Brown, mentor
Victoria’s research focuses on social innovation policies on a state-bystate basis. Victoria studied how the politics of certain states affect the adoption of social innovation policies. The social innovation policies include: Benefit Corporations, Social Purpose Corporations, and Low-Profit Limited Liability Corporations.
