Scholarship Recipients

Byron Sandoval
“This experience has helped me realize that I am capable of doing research about the issues I feel passionate about. Through the duration of the cohort I was able to focus and motivate myself to read theory, write analysis, outline ideas, and ultimately present my ideas. Now that I have accumulated all of this work I plan to publish both the short stories and the literary research.“

Diane Brunett
“Working with a cohort has helped me understand the process of research. After each meeting, I was able to connect with people who are involved in their own studies. I found it intriguing to meet people of different academic disciplines and learn how their process of research ranged from literary analysis to doing experiments.“

Ella Merriwether
“After this experience, I am more confident in my choice to pursue a career in academia. I will be starting a PhD in Psychology and Law from the CUNY Graduate Center this Fall, and my experiences in this program made me a better candidate for admission and a more self-assured and prepared student. I am extremely grateful for this opportunity and I look forward to recommending it to my friends and future students.“

Jasmine Gayles
“As a recipient of the Office for Research & Creativity graduate scholarship, I have gained confidence as a STEM student and have learned how to effectively inform the public about my research studies. Prior to being awarded the OSRC scholarship, I was extremely shy and I had difficulties speaking loudly and describing my research in very short periods of time. Throughout the course of this year and with the help of the OSRC scholarship community, I have become a stronger writer and speaker.“

Melanie Chiluisa
“The cohort by itself was such an amazing opportunity allowing us to get a look at the diverse community that John Jay has. I enjoyed connecting with people who have done such amazing things and taking a look at all the bigger projects that are going to unfold from each one of them.“

Marien Morales
“Being accepted into the Office for Student Research & Creativity Assistant Scholarship opened more doors for me in one year than I thought possible. Being part of this first cohort was transforming and empowering. As I graduate from the first OSRC scholarship cohort, and enter the second year, I feel privileged to join this next group of excelling scholars and inspiring professors.“

Sharon Bayantemur
“This scholarship created an environment that encouraged curiosity to thrive, and stimulated academic as well as personal growth. The community is part of the reason I applied for a second-year extension of the scholarship. The other reason being that OSRC provided the resources, the structure, and the support necessary which, under the guidance of my mentor, enabled me to dedicate time to my research.“

Segun Olaniyi
“Being a part of The Office for Student Research & Creativity for the past year was an amazing experience. One of the most helpful things being a part of the scholarship cohort was the group presentation and feedback I received. It was nerve racking but it allowed me to become more confident.“

Sol Astudillo
“One of the most helpful tools were the videos and evaluations that we received after our presentation. I noticed that I had to work on my “umms..” and on pacing my presentation. By the last practice session, I was proud to say that my presentation flowed and I had a lot of less “umms..” The cohort community has been incredibly helpful and supportive throughout this whole process.“

Priya Reji
“This research experience not only allowed me to grow professionally, but personally too. It motivated me to do better, achieve more - by being diligent, dedicated and persevering - and make the best out of what was offered to me. I learned how to think critically and analytically; something that, at first, was a major challenge for me. I learned how to ask the right questions to move the study along, as well as how even the simplest questions can help fill in the holes and pave the way for research.“

Hana Chae
“Thank you for the opportunity to grow as a researcher. It has been an incredible experience and support from the cohort and your office. I am now going to continue my academic journey in a doctoral program at Florida International University. I hope the program can support more students in the future.“

Vanessa Ayala
“I had very little research experience and so I have learned how to research and what to think about when researching as a result of this opportunity. Having a mentor has helped me develop many skills such as better communication, being able to implement feedback into research, and maintaining a professional relationship. These skills I received through this opportunity are very important for my academic journey at John Jay College as well as my future career.“

Victoria Fix
This research was unlike anything I had ever done before. Without the help from the Office for Student Research & Creativity, I would not have been able to accomplish this research, let alone, experience the presentations and mentorship along the way. This experience taught me many things about myself—as a person and a scholar. I am so impressed with everyone’s work in the cohort. It gives me great pleasure to have been surrounded by so many talented and inspiring people during this experience. I look forward to continue sharing my work at conferences. I hope students will apply for the scholarship in the future. This is one of the most rewarding and unique experiences offered at John Jay and I am forever grateful.“